Get quick, simple guidance on things you can do to maintain a loving and healthy relationship. A how to guide, just the action, not all the reading behind it.
Many couples do not have the time for traditional therapy (though we recommend it) or to read a self help book. They just want some quick and simple guidance on how to effectively communicate and be a successful couple. In this fast paced, social media driven, ever changing world, it is harder and harder to maintain long term, happy and monogamous relationships.
This program is for that couple who has a lot going on and wants to take care of their relationship. This is not research heavy and it will not have a lot of text. It is simply a quick directive on things you can do to maintain a loving and healthy relationship. It is also focuses on creating great habits not only for your relationship but can be applied to any aspect of your life.
This is for the couple who wants guidance on how to build and maintain a healthy relationship. This is for a couple who is already in therapy and would like some activities. This is for a couple that is doing “ok” but could use a “tune up.” This is for any couple who wants to build healthy habits with their partner. This is a great program for newly married, engaged couples hoping to learn healthy habits, or for seasoned couples who want to reconnect. This program is inclusive to all types of couples and partnerships at any stage. You do not have to be married to use this program. It is inclusive to committed couples!
This program will not replace traditional therapy. If you and your partner are unable to communicate, there has been trauma, an affair, contemplating divorce…please seek traditional therapy.
We, Annie Rohr Psy.D, MS, MFT and Sophia Hoskins MS, MFT, are two therapists who have put many years of education and couples counseling experience together to create Mindful Couple Program. We used our best strategies and methods that we have helped many couples over the years successfully reconnect or create habits that support love and happiness.
Program Options
Program Only
This is a self study program. You complete the lessons on your own. This is for someone who is self motivated and ready to create change.
Therapist Check in- I need a little help, a little push, a little support, a guide
This is the general program plus 3 points of check in with a therapist by text or 10-15 minute phone calls.